Rotation Reflection

My rotation site was at North Shore University Hospital. Overall, I I felt I learned and experienced a lot, and it was a great first rotation for clinical year. I believe I was exposed to many different medicine specialities and got to work with a variety of healthcare workers. For two weeks, I had the opportunity to learn in the Medical ICU and cardiothoracic unit, and also gained experience in the emergency department. It was challenging treating patients with such complicated medical conditions, but the PA and residents I was learning from always remained patient with me and allowed me to help them with a wide variety of procedures. Some of the procedures I was able to assist them with included arterial lines, central lines, paracentesis, and lumbar punctures. In addition, I was able to observe many angiograms, TAVRs, and procedures in the interventional radiology unit.

During my first few weeks of my rotation, I found it challenging presenting my patients to the team of PAs and attendings. Over time, I gained more confidence in my ability to present and was more efficient. Each PA or physician gave good constructive feedback on how I can improve in future presentations. Since I spent time in the ICU, I was able to learn how those physicians presented patients compared to how the patients are presented on a telementary unit.

In my following rotations, I hope to improve on taking the initiative while caring for patients. I struggled with this during the first few days of my rotation because I lacked confidence in my medical and clinical abilities. As time went on, I realized I am competent in many clinical skills and the information I learned during didactic year will start coming together as I experience more. On my next rotation in Emergency Medicine, I will take the initiative in caring for my patients and be more confident in my abilities as a PA student. In addition, I will continue asking for constructive feedback and make note on how the practitioners present their patients during rounds.

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